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In the future .. Biofuel produced by algae

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل

In the future .. Biofuel produced by algae Empty In the future .. Biofuel produced by algae

مُساهمة من طرف اروى الإثنين 27 يناير - 10:21:53

The past few years a significant interest in biofuels as renewable energy sources , was enacted a number of European countries and the United States special laws to encourage the production of this type of fuel , which raised its production controversy globally due to the adoption of manufacturing - and directly - on some agricultural crops - such as corn , soybeans soy and others - which affects the global food basket .

Studies show that ethanol - which is extracted from corn - has replaced 10% of the gasoline used in the United States in transportation , as defined under U.S. law an upper limit for the extraction of ethanol from corn not to exceed 15 billion gallons per year , but the global expansion in production faces great challenges and needs the support of senior government , has emerged from here the idea of ​​the production of biofuels from algae as a source of renewable energy .

A promising source of energy
Algae, marine plants simple configuration , most of them unable to make the process of photosynthesis , where you can produce vegetable oil , is processed chemically for biodiesel Biodiesel, capable of running many of the engines.

And excels algae on other plant crops producing oils with a number of features of the task , as they multiply rapidly , and does not require large areas for their growth , as can be cultured in open ponds or in bioreactors optical , and needs to grow to the sun , water and carbon dioxide and some nutrients phosphate The nitrates and iron.

Also, the algae do not need fertile soil to grow , as it can be cultured in swamps or in special tanks are constructed in places that emit large amounts of carbon dioxide necessary for their growth , power generation stations of places and industrial emissions contaminated .

Shows the researcher Jim Sears - who founded the company Solex Biofuels Solix Biofeuls for the production of biofuels from algae - that the United States seeks to produce 140 billion gallons of biodiesel per year , and this requires the cultivation of three billion acres of agricultural land flora of soybean or about one billion acres of land ginseng canola , while can produce biodiesel that amount through the cultivation of about 95 million acres of algae , since these plants are simple to install has a very large surface area for their size , and therefore grow at a high speed .

عضو نشيط
عضو  نشيط

احترام القوانين : 100 %
عدد المساهمات : 289
تاريخ الميلاد : 15/08/1990
العمر : 34

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

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