ملتقى الجزائريين والعرب
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

2nd year lessons UNIT 02+03 PART 03

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل

م14 2nd year lessons UNIT 02+03 PART 03

مُساهمة من طرف زائر الأربعاء 25 مارس - 21:25:12

- We should learn to listen to each other.
- We mustn’t impose ourselves on others.
- We shouldn’t cheat at exams.
- We should accept the opinions of others.
- We shouldn’t insult others.
- We needn’t /don’t need to always agree with each other.
- We don’t have to be violent.
-We should settle disputes peacefully.
Act. Two (p.46)
Possible acrostics
P: Pay more attention to others.
E: Engage in non-violent compaigns/actions.
A: Act peacefully.
C: Collect signatures to end war and violence in the world.
E:Express disagreement for conflicts.
D: Do actions according to the law of your country.
E: Engage in campaigns for the freedom of speech.
M- Make protest against anti- social measures.
O: Organise yourselves in committees to fight against injustice
C: Collect funds for the election of your candidate.
R: Respect the rights of others.
A: Act against poverty.
C: Care about the homeless.
Y:Yell out your solidarity with people in need of justice.
Act.Three (p.47)
Duties Rights
Work hard
Respect the opinion of others
Tolerate differences
Respect the rights of others
Promote a culture of peace
Co-operate to solve problems
Express opinions
Meet together to express views
Free education
Good working conditions
Health care
The class charter can be presented in the form of a wall sheet. Refer the students to the text on page 56 (
Exploring matters further).
Suggested answers:
Article One: Rights
a- Children have the right to get free education.
b- Children have the right to meet together to express views.
c- The school autuorities must offer good working conditions.
d- The school autuorities mustn’t discriminate among children.
e- The parent-Teacher Association has the right to express opinion about the educational policy.
Article Two: Duties and Responsibilities
a- We have the duty to respect the opinions of others
b- We must work hard.
c- We shall tolerate differences.
d- We mustn’t be the cause of school disorder.
Act. One (p.48)
Interact with your students by asking questions about the picture. You can add other questions to
the checklist.
a- The picture represents a slave ship. ( Please, talk about slave trade.)
b- I think that the ship is in Africa, and it is going to America.
c- Geoge Washington, first U. S President ; July 1783: Independence Abraham Lincoln ( US
President) ; 1861-1865 : American Civil War; Martin Luther King Jr 1963. One of the leaders of
the Civil Rights movement;
August 1963, March of 200,000 people on Washington DC to demand racial equaliry. (Discuss
further these points in class monitoring the discussion towards racial issues in the US.)
Act. Two (p.48)
a. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the Black American leaders of
the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. ( The students can suggest other answers.)
b- He hoped/wished his children to be free from racial prejudice.
c- The author/Martin Luther King repeats words, phrases and ideas: “I have
a dream”, “one day”,”we’ll be able to”…
He uses an oratorical style in order to stimulate his audience; to get the
audience to feel the injustice of racial discrimination and segretation .
d- Yes, because it is full of hope. (The students can suggest other ideas.)
Act. Three (p.49)
The aim of this activity is to develop the students’ dictionary skills.
Address: speech or talk to an audience.
Can: ability or capacity to do something
Spiritual: a religious song as sung by Negroes in the USA.
Choice of words from the speech: character n. 1- ( of a person, community, race,…etc) mental
or moral qualities that make one person ,race, etc different from others; 2- moral strength; 3-
person who is well known; 4- letter, mark used in a system of writing or printing.
Day; 4th, 3839
WRITE IT OUT ( p.50)
Before assigning the writing activity to your students, first go through the tip box .Then
brainstorm the age limits . The students will take the jottings that you will make on the board to
write their speech/address. Martin Luther King’s address will be taken as a model.
Skills check (p.52)
QUESTION ONE ( Key: The correct answer is D.)
What is the main idea of this passage/song? Circle the correct answer.
A.An American soldier is fighting for the Vietnam war.
B.The Mexican-American war
C. Thoreau and Mark Twain are ashamed of America.
D .A young man refuses to fight for American wars.
QUESTION TWO ( Key: Statements A. and C. are false.)
Circle true or false. When false, give the correct information.
A. The young man attended the college graduation. T. F.
B. He is ashamed of being American. T. F.
C. He marched against the Vietnam war at twenty. T. F.
Written comprehension
In no more than 20 lines, say why the author does not like wars.
Unit three
PREVIEW (p.58)
Go through the preview to let the students be aware of what they will learn in the unit.
Brainstorm a checklist of projects compatible with the new language items and skills covered by
the unit, and let them discuss and choose the project they would like to materialise. Again, it is
not recommended to let the students do the same project year after year.
Get the students interact about the stamps. What does each of them represent/show? When was
the stamp issued? On which occasion was it issued ? ...The interaction will serve as an
introduction to the topic of the unit.
The words in the checklist are related to the topic of the unit. The emphasis is on the pronunciation of
consonants. Make sure the students know how to pronounce each of them.
The students will interact about the map using their background knowledge.
1- The map represents Southern America.
2- The area in green stands for the Amazon Forest.
3- It is situated between Brazil, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia.
4- The line in question is that of the equator.
5- The equatorial climate is hot and humid.
AS YOU READ (p.60)
Act.One (p.60)
The students will the check the answers they have not checked in the Before-you-read activity.
Act. Two
a-.There is more than a decade of global fossil fuel emissions of carbon
dioxide stored in the Amazon Forest trees.
b- The Amazon basin ecosystem has been protected from threats because of its isolation.
c- It is one of the world’s greatest conservation challenges because it is no
longer isolated. ( Students will give one or two justifications from the text.)
1- a- Timber companies
b-The Brazilian government
These sentences are in the passive voice because the subjects of the verbs
are not really the doers/agents of the actions i.e.,the focus is on the actions
rather than on the performers/ doers (of the actions).
2-a- Timber companies fell 18.000km2 of forest trees
b-The Brazilian government built new roads throughout the 1960’s and 1970s.
3- The sentences that give attention to the action itself are the sentences from the reading text;
The students’ sentences are in the active. They put emphasis on the doers/performers of the
4- The writer has inverted the structure by foregrounding the action (putting it first in the
sentence structure) and putting the real performers/doers of the action at the end of the sentence.
5- a-C ; b-D; c-B; d-A
6- No, it is not always necessary to use by in passive sentences. We use by when we want to
draw attention to the doer of the action.
Make sure your students go through the Grammar Reference n°10 pp.199-200 to check their
Practice (pp.62-63)
Act. One (p. 62)
The Exxon Valdez was wrecked just off the coast of Alaska in 1986.
It was carrying a huge cargo of oil. The oil spilled out, and it was washed onto the beach by the
wind. The water was polluted. The beach was damaged . The fishing industry was ruined. Hotels
and restaurants were closed.
Act. Two
Use the weak forms of the auxiliaries was and were unless indicated otherwise in the answer key
below. The focus in this activity is on the pronunciation of the auxiliary was/were in the passive.
Speaker A. What happened to the Exxon Valdez?
Speaker B. It was wrecked off the coast of California and the oil spilled out.
Speaker A. The oil was washed out onto the beach?
Speaker B. Yes, it was (Use the strong form of the auxiliary.).
It was spread out by the winds.
Speaker A. Was the fish poisoned?
Speaker B. Yes, they were ( Use the strong form.). They suffocated for lack of oxygen.
Act. Three (p.
Students will act out the dialogue once you have simulated it .
Act. Four
a. Fumes from automobile exhaust pipes cause air pollution.
Air pollution is caused by fumes from automobile exhaust pipes.
b. Water pollution will deplete many water zones of their oxygen soon.
Many water zones will be depleted of their oxygen by pollution soon.
c. The Algerian government will ban cigarette smoking next year.
Cigarette smoking will be banned by the Algerian government next year.
d. The Post and Telecommunication Ministry has already issued a lot of
environmental stamps. A lot of environmental stamps have already been issued by the Post
and Telecommunication Ministry
e. We haven’t imposed drastic limits on gas emissions and noise yet.
No drastic limits have been imposed on gas emissions yet.
Explain what a press release is to your students . Then brainstorm the topic before we set them to
Press release
We make our sincere apologies for the damage caused by the wreck of the Exxon Valdez
yesterday. Oil will be recuperated with special machines and the spoilt beaches will be cleaned.
Marine life will be restored; birds will be washed out. We promise that 2000 workers will be
recruited soon. Hotel workers will be employed by the company and the tourist industry will be
compensated for its loss. ... (Students can add examples of their own;)
Act. One (p.64)
The activity illustrates list intonation. We use a falling intonation when we end the listing and a
rising intonation when we are still in the process of doing so.
There are five types of alternative energies (intonation goes down): solar (rising intonation),
wind (rising intonation), biomass (rising intonation), and hydroelectric (falling intonation) .
All of them can be produced in our country because we have the following natural resources
(falling intonation): the wind (rising intonation), the sun (rising intonation), the mountains
(rising intonation) …
However, solar energy is by far the most viable (falling intonation). It is cheaper (rising
intonation), safer(rising intonation) and less polluting falling intonation). SONELGAZ has
already built power plants in Biskra(rising intonation), Djelfa(rising intonation), Hassi Rmel
(rising intonation)and other localities in the South of Algeria (falling intonation).
Act. Two (p.64)
Discuss with your students and try to single out the sounds which pose pronunciation problems.
Then try to find to elaborate a remedial work for these problem sounds.
Act.three (p.64)
The problem sounds given in the activity are the most common ones (for Algerian speakers of
English). Elaborate another exercise to illustrate other problem sounds if there are any other ones
that your students meet and proceed to remedial work.
KEY: Use a dictionary which contain phonetic transcriptions.
Act. One (p.64)
It is recommended to use the words that your students should look up in dictionary in context.
Act. Two
The strategies for checking difficult vocabulary are as follows. First, the students will resort to a
dictionary only once s/he can’t guess the meaning of the difficult words from context. For this,
s/he needs to identify the category of the words, see whether there are any synonyms, antonyms,
or paraphrases of these difficult words. Once s/he is sure that she can’t do otherwise than
a dictionary for understanding the meaning of the difficult words that she has singed out from the
text, she will open the dictionary at the page where the word is listed. In doing so, s/he will pay
attention to the alphabetical order. (Cf; For further information about dictionary skills, check the
Key to Entries in Oxford Leaner’s Dictionary of Current English, pp. XIV - XVIII)
Act. Three (p.65)
A: pronunciation
B: compound/complex word
C: figurative language
D: example
E: transitive verb
F: something
G: somebody
H: proverb
I: uncountable noun
J: colloquial English
K: American English
L: colloquial English
M: adjective
N: adverb
Act.One (p. 66)
Interact with the students and make them identify and interpret the photosynthesis process. Then
they will complete the blanks with the verbs in the yellow box.
Act. Two (p. 66)
The students will check their answers to activity one.
a- Carbon dioxide is derived from the air.
b- Water is drawn from the soil.
c- Sunlight energy is absorbed by chlorophyll.
d- Oxygen is released from plants and food.
e- Sugar is produced during photosythesis.
Act. Three (p.66)
Plants must be protected. /m.sbi
They can’t be replaced by man-made converters . /k.¸mb./
¸/ 4445
They shouldn’t be cut down. /©ªmbi
Act. Four
Brainstorm the topic with your students before they describe the process in question.
YOUR TURN (p.67)
Act. One (p.67)
Make sure your students pronounce the modals in the correct way.
a. We mustn’t hunt animals in danger of extinction.
Animals in danger of extinction mustn’t be hunted.
b. We shouldn’t throw recyclable objects.
Recylable objects shouldn’t be thrown away.
c. We should stop desertification.
Desertification should be stopped.
d. We can divide pollution into four types.
Pollution can be divided into four types.
e. We may group alternative energies in five categories: wind, solar, biomass and hydroelectric
Alternative energies may be grouped in five categories: ...
f. We must protect our human resources. Human resources must be protected.
TIP BOX (p.67)
Go through the tip box before you move on to the activity in the Write it up rubric.
WRITE IT UP (p.68)
Interact with the students using the picture. The students will identify the different parts of the solar home
and their functions. Explain the difficult vocabulary if necessary.
Ladies and gentlemen....
During winter, ouside air is captured by warm glass roof panels. Then,
warm air is forced down into a water tank by an air handling unit.
Next, the water in the tank is heated and greater quantities of warm water
air are released. The hot air is then sent down a duct to the crawlspace in
under-floor area. After that, warm water rises through floor registers to the
¸/ 4647
living space. Some of the heated air is absorbed by concrete slabs . It is
released at night. This process is reversed during summer.
Act. One (p. 69)
Elicit the students’ responses to the pictures. Then let them choose what they consider as the right
answers to the questions attached to the pictures. Don’t check their interpretations at this stage.
Act. Two (p.69)
The students will check their answers to the questions in activity one.
1- b -2- c -3- c
Act. Three (p.70)
easily made angry= irritability (noun)
is confirmed= is borne out (verb)
related to the brain= mental (adjective)
Act. Four (p.70)
The best title is Another Kind of Pollution. Noise pollution has not been recognized as such
until recently.
Act. Five (p.70)
a- A sentence which focuses on the general idea:
e.g., For a long time, noise has been known to cause sleeplessness and
irritability, and now other studies are linking it to a wide range of mental
and physical disturbances.
b- A sentence which gives details to support/ develop the general idea:
e.g., In Los Angeles, researchers have found that people living near the
airport have…
c- A sentence which provides a smooth transition from one idea to
e.g., In the opinion of many hearing specialists, time is running out.
d- A sentence which supports the new idea:
e.g., The number of mental diseases will be multiplied by two or three…
e- A sentence which logically concludes the ideas discussed in the
e.g., This health alert against……
WRITE IT OUT ( p.71)
Act.One (p.71)
A sentence is missing in the list of scrambled sentences. Give it to the students before you start
brainstorming the topic related to the sentences. The sentence runs as follows : At least two great
civilizations (establish) there.
a. Throughout the world, deserts are created because pastures near arid lands heavily are
grazed and trampled.
b. Around towns, adjacent forest belts are denuded by people in their search for firewood.
c. More productive plants are introduced into semi-arid lands. As a result, indigenous plants
necessary for the maintenance of the soil are nudged out.
d. Many people think that desertification is caused only by a change in climate, but the truth is
that deserts are provoked by human actions.
e. Because of intensive production of cash crops like cotton and groundnuts, soil nutrients are
dissipated and the topsoil is eroded by wind and water.
f. A long time ago, history was made in the deserts.
g. Today, about 140 million people are threatened by the spread of the desert caused through
the interaction of climatic fluctuations and man’s abuse of his environment.
h. Desertification must be stopped now, otherwise deserts will be transformed into a curse for
man soon.
i. These civilizations were built in deserts because people knew how to live in harmony with
k. At least two great civilizations were established there.
Act. Two (p.71)
The students will write the whole paragraph on their portfolios indicating the various functions of
the sentences.
1. f - 2. k - 3-i 4. g - 5. d - 6.a - 7.c - 8. e - 9.b - 10.h
Skills check (p.73)
Choose the one word that best keeps the meaning of the original word written in bold in
these sentences from the text:
The global energy situation began to change significantly in the second half of the last century.
A. occasionally -B. frequently -C. greatly -D. virtually
( Key: The correct answer is C.)
Widespread ownership of energy- hungry appliances contribute to this huge growth in enegy
A.. unique -B. incredible -C. very big -D. noticeable
(Key: The correct answer is C.)
In line 15, the phrase it wasn’t until means :
A. It was before 1954. -B. It was after 1954. -C. It was in the year 1954.
(Key: The correct answer is C.)
Your school plans to produce a science magazine on the topic «Save more, consume less.» You
have read the text on «Energy Consumption» and you decide to write an article in which you
describe what people should do at home and elsewhere to consume less energy and save it for
future generations. Write your article in 20 lines.
What does the writer imply by: “Human beings, as producers, are positive resources” ?
A. They contribute to the country’s economic growth.
B. They produce good teachers.
C. They contribute to the creation of new jobs.
D. They avoid killing themselves in a nuclear war.
(Key: The correct answer is A.)
In the writer’s opinion, human conservation means :
A. developing medical services for the disabled and the blind.
B. educating people better for new jobs.
C. producing more physical raw materials.
D. contributing to optimal living conditionals for human beings.
(Key: The correct answer is D.)
Choose the one word that best keeps the meaning of the original written in bold in the
following sentence from the text:
The conservation of positive human resources begins with health improvement.
A. problems -B. betterment -C. resources -D. organisations.
Key: The correct answer is B.)
In line 20, what exactly does the phrase “this direction” describe ?
What will happen to us when raw materials grow scarce ? Write a letter to your local newspaper
in which you express your own views on this topic .
Unit four
PREVIEW (p.78)
PREVIEW (p.79)


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